When you sign up for a recurring donation of any amount to The Kabbalah Centre, you become a Supporter of the Work, creating powerful circuitry—you help create the infrastructure that sustains our work, and in turn, you help uplift countless others around the world.

Watch as our Co-Director, Michael Berg, shares the vision behind this initiative:


learn more at our Supporter’s event

On zoom with Eitan Yardeni and our Donor Care Team on Wednesday, January 29th at 9:00am PT / 12:00pm ET.

  • Hear inspiring stories about the Centre’s projects and the impact of our work this past year.

  • Learn what it means to be a Supporter of the Work and how this commitment accelerates our shared mission of spreading Light.

  • We’ll also share the ways we as a global community can help those impacted by the LA fires.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get more involved with the Centre and deepen your connection to the wisdom of Kabbalah.


Join by February 28th to Receive a Free Gift! Become a Supporter of the Work with a recurring donation of $26 or more, and choose a complimentary gift: The Tale of the Other Glove or the Green Sacred Zohar.

As a Supporter of the Work, your monthly gift creates a powerful circuitry of Light that attracts blessings into your life and allows us to plan and expand our projects with greater impact. 

Eliminare gli ostacoli finanziari allo studio.

Fondo per le borse di studio di Karen Berg

Ricoprire il mondo di Zohar.

Il Progetto Zohar di Rav Berg

Illuminare i giovani e i genitori di oggi.

Programma giovanile Roots

Coprire i costi essenziali di una comunità globale.

Il Fondo generale

Rivelare una nuova saggezza.

Fondo per l'editoria

Aiutare qualcuno nel percorso di recupero.

Potenziamento attraverso Kabbalah

"Il mio viaggio con il Centro Kabbalah ha rafforzato la mia connessione con me stessa e con il mondo che mi circonda, permettendomi di reimparare ciò che la mia anima già sa. L'universo vuole che io mi dia tutto, mi merito tutto e posso avere tutto essendo consapevole e concentrandomi sulla realizzazione a lungo termine piuttosto che sulla gratificazione istantanea. Il Centro Kabbalah è una risorsa preziosa e una comunità che è lì per sostenervi, arricchirvi e nutrirvi durante il vostro percorso di vita. È come avere un grande alleato a disposizione in ogni momento".
- Nicole K., Farmacista

How your monthly contribution can create lasting impact in a year…


Can provide 288 scholarships for new students in the next in-person Kabbalah 1 course, igniting their journey of transformation.


Can empower 208 teens to join a Roots Kabbalah course, helping to build confidence and community for our younger generation.


Can support 80 students in our Kabbalistic Recovery Program, helping them overcome addiction through spiritual tools.


Can fund the printing of 1,728 Pocket Pinchas Zohars, spreading Light and wisdom throughout the world.


Can provide scholarships for 25 new students in the next in-person Kabbalah 1 course, igniting their journey of transformation.


Can sponsor 42 one-on-one meetings with a Kabbalah teacher, supporting soul-guided transformation.


Can sponsor 20 students to attend and experience the Light revealed at the next Ten Luminous Emanations student with Michael Berg.


Can fund the printing of 242 Pocket Pinchas Zohars, helping these powerful tools find their homes around the world.


Can empower 5 teens to join a Roots Kabbalah course, helping to build confidence and community for our younger geneation.


Can provide a Premium Onehouse Community Membership to someone in need through our Scholarship Program.


Can support two students in our Kabbalistic Recovery Program, helping them overcome addiction through spiritual tools.


Can fund the printing of 43 Pocket Pinchas Zohars, spreading Light and wisdom throughout the world.

By giving to the well that nurtures you, you ensure its vitality and make it possible to share its blessings with others.

"Ho imparato ad accettare le persone e le situazioni, anche se non sono d'accordo con loro. Ho visto dei risultati già nelle prime settimane, imparando a non farmi condizionare dalle piccole cose. È come fare esercizio fisico. Più si studia, più la vita diventa forte. Kabbalah rafforza l'idea che il fine ultimo è il dono di sé. È una pratica che bilancia la vita spirituale e quella quotidiana"=".
- Jason D., direttore artistico

As a global nonprofit, we rely on the generosity of our donors to make Kabbalah accessible to all.